| 410-960-3209
Erica at Weinstein Wellness provides therapy, guidance, and education for adolescents 18 and older, adults, couples, & families in the greater Baltimore metropolitan area in her Towson office & throughout the state of Maryland virtually.
“You’re not broken; you’re breaking through.” -Nicole
Erica Weinstein, MEd, NCC, LCPC, CCTP is a seasoned (salt and pepper) therapist with over 25 years of experience in counseling. She focuses on teaching and practicing body, brain/mind, and breath work (and fun) tools with you.
Meet Erica Weinstein
If you’re down with yoga/movement practicing; exploring religious and/or spiritual meaning; learning how to use practical tools to assist with self soothing/nervous system regulation; apologizing appropriately (not needlessly); speaking genuinely and accurately; and diving into functional health perspectives to experience living well, we may gel!
Registered with FL Department of Health to provide teletherapy.